“The organic and sustainable way to expand your consciousness”
You Are The Ayahuasca
Now these days, we live in the times of confusion. Information is spread in a nano-second and you can have all the knowledge of humanity on the click of a button. Unfortunately, you can quickly get miss-information as well, false premises and well intentioned and purpose oriented ideas, believes, systems, procedures and techniques. So much “knowledge” that supposedly heal you, wake you up or expand your consciousness in one way or another.
Among those procedures, you can find the once called “plant medicine”, like ayahuasca, mushrooms, kambo, marihuana, bufo, kap, peyote… the list goes on, all intrusive and meant to fast track you into changes to alter your psychic or bodily functions.
An easy sale. Since most of humanity now these days operate in quick result non sustainable approach life style, we all want quickly become rich, wealthy and healthy.
The roses smell nice but becareful with the thorns. Although I recognize, the potential medical uses for some of these plants, it is just my opinion, that only should be use for some particular extreme cases in very unique circumstances, like you are working for years preserving the rain forest and got invited for a tribe elder to have the experience, not as a business transaction.
We live in societies that promotes separation rather than unity, competition rather than working in communities as one, we are educated to be separated from our natural environment, nature means abundance but we live in scarcity, nature is clarity harmony and balance, we live confused and feeling out of wack. That is why when we think on the source of our problems come from a childhood trauma, we rather go to a retreat or travel the world to meet a “shaman” instead to tune into the frequencies that are all around us, unable to see and perceive, simply because we don’t give attention enough.
Now theses days, ayahuasca ceremonies are like selling tickets for a concert.
“An it works” most people will say, as the one that just got robe buying a fake rolex, but what matter is that fits the illusion, not the quality of the result.
The human paradox is not paradox at all, it is simply disconnection. People rather pay lots of money and unsustainably travel the world to have an ayahuasca experience or sort, a high cost for an illusion and appearances, not that something that is real and worth learning or experience for. It sounds very spiritual to say “I went to the Peruvian rain forest and had a ayahuasca with a Shaman” Even though this person life has not improved at all, they will swear, that it actually happened, because it cost them so much.
I am Peruvian
and since childhood by simply connecting with nature, it broader my perspective and understanding of myself and this reality.
But, that does not make be better than anyone though.
I experienced an awakening at early age you might call it, but “awakening” is just a fancy word, used to mystify something that is transcendental but utterly simple at its basics. And, I am clear minded enough to tell you no shaman that call himself a shaman is one, and wont advertise him, her or itself on a main stream media. Therefore, someone that can guide you to tune into a better version of yourself, you already meet them, as your grandma that used to work in her garden and cook you high vibrational meals or your bus driver that took you safety home and far away places.
Life is simple when learning to appreciate what is, actually, beautiful.
Unlearn the years of conditioning sometimes can be an endless process without a guidance. Solutions are simple, but we keep leaning to make it difficult and complicated, as our mind is currently.
Maybe is time to go to the basics. There is a simple, organic and sustainable way to find alignment and expand your consciousness, it only takes to truly connect what is gifting you this oxygen now, for you to be alive, this nature, and then, you’ll become your own ayahuasca.
What is Nature’s Attunement?
Attunement with nature’s vibrancy and frequencies opens a door to a reality simply makes more sense. Unity and an unselfish mind, is a side effect of connecting with nature’s rhythms, the feeling of appreciation it arouses effortlessly.
And you don’t need a shaman or anyone to tell you what to do, how difficult is to grow a garden?
When you ATTUNE with NATURE, you PERCEIVE A NEW REALITY, when walking a path in balance and harmony within yourself and all around you, naturally, you become a magnet for harmony and a catalyst for balance in people and the environment that provides life.
Connection with nature, is so much profound that all the healing or alignment you could get from it. It is the recognition of your birth right, to be abundant and to have access to the universe’s knowledge, because you are nature and nature simply represents that, unlimited abundance and wisdom as its best.
As Spiritual As It Gets
Nature’s Attunement is a simple but profound recognition that Nature is as spiritual as it gets, is when you make Nature’s appreciation and connection a part of your every moment journey and at the energy levels, it becomes a palpable ongoing synchronistic momentum.
And even though it is sounds so wonderful, still, it is not possible to teach or simple to explain, because attunement with nature is a none verbal or human mental construction, it is the energy of creation at play, which is all around us, comes a broader dimension in which the human mind is limited to enter.
As we can’t explain how nature does it, how it create life, we can co-create with nature, although nature does the job, we can place a seed nature creates.
It is Very Simple & It is Not
And no, you might say, I love nature, I connect with it all the time, and in a sense you do, but it requires to be free of years of conditioning to truly embrace it. As a monk meditate all their life and be at humble and unselfish service to get a grasp of that sensation and sense of pure connection.. a child or someone who is about to die, might have better chances to achieve that level of connection, because in a child the mind still much pure of conditioning and in the elderly they have let go more of the ego and the material attachments.
Nature Abundance & An Unselfish Mind
Establishing the channels of connection in which the flow of our vibration synch with those frequencies which have the patterns of creating this “material reality” that we call, takes usually time and commitment, but it is not impossible, usually takes 3 to 4 week to establish the basis and organically endure that connection through connectivity exercises, as energy flows, or grounding activities as gardening or serving others, reforesting of doing anything that brings the greenery back to its balance, even working from your laptop with the mind set of regenerating your own surroundings, because when using our mind in an unselfish way, as acting and having any sort of vocation for service as some monks, or religious people do, we attract similar frequencies, that the mind transpires and emotions follow and connectivity is endure, the flaws with most monks or the religious humans though, I say “most” because some of them break that pattern, is to follow doctrines, enduring mental limitations, that separate them from the energy that is pure as its essence.
Attunement with Nature, to my perception, represents humanities best approach for survival and to expand in this universe with kindness, not as destroyers or master of limitations as other see us, but as creators and as masters of expansion.
Imagine a reality where we not only preserve nature but enhanced and where humanity works together for the common good, with an unselfish mind, free of conditioning, united, simply we have no limits of what we could accomplish.
The Best Hidden Secret
The synergy between humanity and nature
We are nature, somehow we humans have developed an illusory separation from it.
That is the best kept secret, in plain side, in front of you, you breath that connection, you live on it, each cel of your body speak of it, each thought is a manifestation of it, but some how, we humans live most of our lives, without the benefits of its harmonious rhythm, having only a dull recognition and barely using a fraction of the, literally, astronomical magnitude of nature’s radiancy.
My role here does not related of the whys and hows we end up in this predicament, if you are curious enough, you could simple cultivate the art of observation and see the reality of humanity for what really is.
the energetic channels for your attunement and expansion are to your service
Im here to simply provide the way how you can harvest that connection that you already have, if you are here with the open mind and heart to receive it. It is a life changing journey to be attuned to the energy that make your heart pump and the galaxies to expand around the universe.
Here some of the benefits that you could get while attuning with nature’s flow:
When attune with nature, your brain hemispheres collides in perfect rhythm, you will distinguish the difference between wisdom and knowledge and the value of that connection.
Clarity for yourself, knowing who you are and the reality you perceive
Self-caring and more loving relationship with yourself
Awakening your inspiration for your next project, you’ll see magic and opportunities all places you go.
Alignments on the physical, mental and emotional aspect you your being. Nature’s vibrancy is the best medicine.
The feeling of abundance is more palpable, we mirror nature and nature is abundance as its best.
Remembering your purpose. Having clearer recognition of your essence, favors you to take action or directions towards a more aligned reality, you se more clear with path take in life.
Feeling rejuvenated. When attuned to nature’s frequencies, all works bette in you, an invigorating and renewed energy flows from you at ease and steadily, this will change you at the cellular level.
Happiness. As the colors, vibrancy and aliveness of a natural place, the more you simmer and make this energy part of you, while letting go of the energy blockages that generate limited believes, nothing less that a feeling of joy and appreciation flows from you.
When attuning with nature, you will embrace a newer, fresher, clearer and more thriving version of yourself.
When attuning with nature
Awareness Gradually Tunes into Different Frequencies
Attunement with nature brings back a new version of what common sense looks like, you might be walking the streets an feel like, “what is wrong with all this houses and streets”, reflecting a different level of awareness, but soon to become into “ all is that is here is for a reason and a purpose, even the things we don’t agree with” as a reflection of a more tune state of being.
How to Attune
Practice Appreciation
It could take a seconds, hours or days but soon, after some fine tuning, you can step into a state of presence of appreciation. With appreciation is how you keep me momentum of your attunement going, until it becomes as simple as breathing.
When I imagine…what could i give to anybody, as something they would deeply appreciate, is this:
A gift of that reinforce the connection within your heart, mind and all that is.
How natures keeps a perfect balance in this planet for us to survive is not yet understood, we carry this human body but certainly we are not in charge consciously of the millions of things that need to happen in order for us to breath and have our heart pumping life through us, nature is indeed incomprehensible for us.
Although, we can connect to nature’s vibrancy, we can tune into its rhythms, I have discovered through my life journey, that the most transcendent solutions are the most simple as well. It takes a moment of connection, a simple smile, a hug, enough to brighten up someones day; to share a meal a walk and moment, can change someones point of attraction instantly. Even more when we connect with nature, the feeling, sense of appreciation become more consistently activated. Those are the practices that go on the experiences I curate, around the world.
Nature is unlimited and evolving source of vibrancy, abundance, beauty, wisdom and aligning force. In nature we see ourselves, because we all come from nature. When connecting with nature, the human paradox start making sense, we remember the that our purpose is to enjoy this ride, and the bases for that is the freedom we have to create fearlessly.
Nature’s vibrancy has always been FREE, connected with it will benefit you in all ways you could imagine.
Do you like the vibe we pulse?
And want to se more of it in this world?
If you feeling abundant
Donations or Gifts are accepted and much appreciated
We invest all our donations in the greenery of life, creating gardens, community gardens and sustainable paradises
Venmo: @zestyflow