My purpose, my essence has always been UNITY and it reflects in all the things I do. As serving as a catalyst, for the energy that will allow clarity to flow and to define that idea that feels right for you.

Unite is the essence of everything I do, it is the energy in which I thrive, is the stream in which I flow effortless and is felt when i do the things I love, like when I help friends to find more clarity in life , or when I work in a garden, cook or create experiences that combines a variety of elements.

To see all those elements that are in you, to create path for less resistance together and to find path ways to allow your energy towards a more focus desires is my gift, is my fun and I can’t wait to be at service, to support you on you journey, to flow together with what feels in balance and harmony within you, allow me to remind your of your essence and allow me to be at service to feed the energy that is in you, so organically and sustainably you achieve the clary and the direction you are aming for.

Having a direction

To meet your PURPOSE, or the defining main energy that drives your attention towards your preferences in life, is like a dance, because we will DANCE for sure! Is like feeling content and joyful, even if at this moment, you don’t know your exact destination or which road to take, but you know, it will be good no matter how this unveils. 

Even though our purpose is always changing, balance is always require to keep us going in a state of joy. I am a catalyst for friends to keep in the direction of their dreams and desires, without feeling overwhelmed and feeling that they not getting where we need to be, or generating a balance between abundance or excitement to flow at ease… we’ll dance yeah. and flow towards that clarity at ease.

How Fun is Working Together

I like to combine nature, human connection, media production, energy works and culinary endeavors as the tunings energies to help you reorganize your purpose and intention. Most of the people I work with are into the creative aspects of life, if we already have meet, you are a source of many different gifts and I have already felt that in you.

To me, to be able to see and encourage the gift you bring to this existence, in your our particular unique way, is a remarkable joyful experience, is like the perfect recipe, a sequence of synchronicities for the creation of more abundance and expansion. I love what I do. I do help to find their purpose as to find a new recipe with those ingredients I haven’t use yet, to me is super fun and the result is always end is balance and a good taste for life.

How it Works

You see, since my essence in life is unity, I thrive when I can see the possibilities, the extensions and potentialities of a human, it is always a portion of it, but big enough to give the direction need it, the propel toward a new vantage point of their creation.

We are all unique, and we all come together when living in society. When you hire my services, there is not particular thing you have to learn, but instead, to focus and to connect. While I encourage you to engage in those aspects of you, that relates to your purpose of life, you find easiness, you find happiness, you find excitement and self-realization surfaces at ease, it could be minutes, hours or days, but the first clear idea of what you want to really do stream into your mind or simply the energy that is you, finds its paths towards a better feeling reality, like adapting to a new weather or temperature, the frequencies change and you already been where you want to be.

Every time we decided to do things in life without doubt or resistance, the clearer our life purpose become, there is no rush to define why we came forth, but instead, with the course set to towards our next destination, we enjoy the journey, drink lots of juice, tropical elixirs, dance more often, see more at the beauty around us, with no hurry, we contemplate it, the present moment become and opportunity to be appreciated.

There nothing that I know that you have figure out already, my job is simply an energetic reminder to keep you in course towards the destination that your soul has already chosen, let’s work together.


Details on the description. Always happy to jump on a call and help to clarify.

 You know you fall into good hand and want to be consistent on your vibrational output. Book me for a year before a reach my limit of clients.