Guide Meditation


Astral Projection

Experience the no-boundaries, edgeless, limitless extensions of our imagination.

Astral projection is an intentional guided meditation that transcend into an out-of body experience (OBE) in which the "subtle" or "spirit" body travels outside the physical body at the whim of the individual. An out-of-body experience itself occurs every single night when you fall sleep, although, there is the agreement at the soul level, to not to remember your stay into that plane, which is a healthy thing, one reality is enough to experience, Earth it is already a multidimensional plane.

The Intention & Benefits

As a general rules, each Astral Projection Experience aims to relax the mind and body and when customizing the sessions. Perkunas is an expert on vibrational aligment and the energetics of human behavior, Reiki, Qigong and Thai Chi master. He will apply intuitive guidance to drive the energies towards aspects of the self that aims attentions. It could be related to tapping into the energy that will generate more inspiration, more creativity, unity in your work place, your family, focus any sort of alignment, harmonious happy and joyfull vibes, efficiency on your work, clarity for life and goals, vibrational tuning or loving relationships and abundance and ultimately, connection.

Astral Projection Experiences can last from 25 to 53 minutes

Online astral projection also available

 How to experience Astral Projection

Through Aha Experiences and Perkunas guidance

Contact Perkunas for more details

WhatsApp +16195732410