Talk about Sustainability, Energy, Effortless Manifestation and Hope

This is a conversation with Rachel Meyers, traveler nomad entrepreneur, at the Vibe House. Also was video recorder by the multi-talented Zack Long, soon on you tube, who is a talented musician, teacher and video producer. In this podcast, we talk about sustainable practice, how to manifest a greener future which is around the corner, and how energy works in all of us and how to use it to create the reality we desire.

Intuitive Cooking interview to Perkunas Core

This is an interview that Manuela Stamm, business coach from Switzerland did to Perkunas in San Diego Ca. Are you being born a creative being or is something you will develop on time? How to cook intuitively and why is this so important? Is being passionate something it can be nourished? We answer some of this questions in this podcast.

You can follow this LINK to see the video version of this podcast or of copy and past in to your browser

Maui Quarantine & Elba Kwesi Frank Interview

This interview to Elba Kwesi Frank, talk about the relationship between music, dance and medicine. It took place in Maui, Hawaii at the end of March, beginning of the pandemic “of fear” while the quarantine was taking place. I had the change to experience many places in Maui without the presence of tourists, and I share my feelings and perspectives out if that experience in the intro. Welcome to leave some comments or questions :)

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Manifesting Light and How to Overcome Stagnant Energy

I had a chat with my lovely friends Eva Rapp and Loren Johnson about manifestation, what is manifestation in us, how nature plays an important role to find alignment and the power of appreciation. A beautiful synchronicity happen while doing this podcast, when we mention light and suddenly the sky open up and illuminated the room, as a beautiful sign of alignment with all that is.