Personal Training / Energy Flows
My personal training service is compilation of different life-practices, to mention a few: martial arts, connection with nature, calisthenics, body strength exercises, universal conscious meditation, channeling, the dynamics of energy, the interconnection with our human aspects, and Vedic, Shaolin and Taoism arts of life.
While sharing the practice, I apply Reiki and QiGong that are attuned by exposing to the elements of nature. It might seems a complex practice, but once done it a whole life, it becomes… a flow… and is easy to pass it to you.
There is no pressure when sharing my unique personal training practice, the clients I have, are very special, ready to awaken parts in them or ready to take it to a whole new dimension.
About My Story
I started doing, what I call, “energy flows” since I was a teen, by the age of 14 I was very avid at it, I was practicing more at the end of the day or before going to sleep.
It started as early age, maybe around 6, I was a fun of martial arts, I went through karate, then as a teen self thought yoga, got into Taekwondo and Kung-fu.
As a teen I was also drawn to meditation, mental control techniques, Hinduism and Taoism and metaphysical teachings but more importantly, what draw my attention to have a better understanding of this universe, was the feeling and sense of amplitude and the glances of the wisdom that I got by connecting with “nature”.
How My Personal Training/Flow works
My personal training services does no need to be a embodiment practice or dance necessarily, as it shows in the picture, it could be a swim in the ocean, working in a garden, cooking a meal, crafting art, composing a song, creating a concept, or igniting a new project…. the only requirement is…. to be in the zone! And to get there, you only need the desire for it …. good vibe are passed on, as simple as that.
Some of the benefits:
Physical conditioning
Weight Management
Change of perception of this reality
Cognitive awareness tuning
Ongoing feeling of presence
Mind clarity
Inner connection
Increase of physical energy
Stamina and better mood
It is vastly documented that when you are in abetter mood your vibrational point of attraction changes and so does your physical form
Immune system strengths
Feel refresh and glow
At the core every practice that stimulate inner connection, such as yoga, tai chi, chi gong or reiki. They all aim to emulates the drift of nature with the main purpose to tap into its signal.
“Aligned energy, is not just physical energy that you can control by flexing your muscles, or mental energy like thinking of a solution to a problem”
Aligned energy flows at ease with no resistance. The practice of flow is as nature itself, is energy that flows at ease that has a distinctive creative imprinting, it is energy that regenerates, creates, transforms, changes and embraces life as every single creature of this planet does. I could simplify saying that flow practice simply helps you to remember who you are, where you are and why you are here.
When Flow practice becomes a habit, getting into the flow stages will manifest into different levels of perception as well; with a clear mind, you can see the unlimited paths to opportunities, inspiration or excitement. Flow can help you define your continuous ever-changing purpose, while at the same time you continuously meet with the expansion that comes with it.
Who I can train?
There is no age limit, and no physical impediment to practice flow; the only requirement is being alive and been able to breath. Each flow is customized to each individual.
“The feeling of connection is what matters”
When you learn my physical conditioning, flow, you don’t have to go on a life path of learning all ancient teachings, after all, all teachings and knowledge come from the same place: a source that reflect on nature’s vibrancy.
You also don’t need to wear a specific outfit: pjs, just your skin, it is all good. You also don’t need to be at a special place: your room, your kitchen, waiting at the bus station, it does not matter. You can sync your breath with a stream of connecting thought and movement literally anywhere, anytime, or in any situation. You could be just ecstatically moving while gazing the sunrise, walking on the street, hanging on a hammock, seated at your desk, resolving mathematical equations, running, taking a nap, eating a burrito, gardening, dancing, skydiving, isn’t that awesome?!
Guided flow with Perkunas last about 30 to 60 minutes
How to book, what to bring and details
Wear stretchy comfy clothes, if weather conditions are nice, we will use outdoor patio or our yoga room otherwise.
Flow with Perkunas is more likely to happen some where in nature or a garden.
Flow is personalized to each individual or groups online or in person.
Flow practices are included with any of the offerings. You can contact us for availability for private flow sessions.