Have you make a snowman out of sand? Have you drink a coconut eggnog?  Have you have Christmas time bare foot, wearing a tank tops or sarongs while been kissed by sun, hugged by the ocean or massaged by a waterfall?

Maybe you have, you are a curious on indeed, landing in this page is not a coincidence.


Christmas time is always interesting to me, I rather be in some tropical paradise, eating mangos and lilikoi, sleep on a hammock and shower on a stream of goodness, sounds like yes! it is good to me.


My proposal is simple, a gift, from you to yourself, a time of indulgence and creation, a time in life where not been a simple tourist that just visit places and does not find connections and inspiration, but rather someone that create something unique, break through the illusorily barriers of socialization, someone that want to become that one, that laugh to those that say, “I have no time for that”


I hold spaces for creation

Maybe you want to have a different Christmas this year, and for those in search so something unique, I am here to provide that space, that allows magik to flow.


The experience

Heart-full, chill, fruity, hot chocolate type. With savory salty and spicy moments, with a stream inspiration that will carry you on and on.


As every Aha Explorer experience, it is about connection, exploration, creation. We will explore this magik land, we will root with it for a moment with the volcanic energy and the smiles of gentle souls, we will connect with nature, people and with ourselves, then with that energy pulsing, we will create. This is a travel with a purpose experience, we will create a recipe book in which you will be one of the authors along with Perkūnas and crew.


The publishing and marketing is on us, you coming to the experience and participating is your investment for this creation. Expect equal percentage returns, among participants, out of the selling of the recipe book.



When you live a life, using your intuition, you sail your way around waves of emotions having a stream of happy moment, is far from just a coincidence, you go towards it. Aha Explorer experience build the path for you to move towards that direction, if you participate and co-create with us, simply is your time to do it.


Fill ill your mind with this

(nature in Hawaii)

Is like blend of mana from heaven sugar can juice that propel your confidence, diversify your dance moves as your cooking magik.


This experience is so much more that cooking and creating a recipe book you will be the author, get recognition and profit from it as well. This aha explorer experience, carries the inherent recognition of our intuitive nature and the practice of it in our every moment in our lives.  


Looking forward to co-create with you

Perkūnas Core