For Self-Awareness Upgrade
Only One Breath…
…is what it takes, to get into a state of harmony and balance, to clear the mind and relax the body, reset and to be ready to go forward.
The Protocol
This is a 4 week protocol to renew, transform, reprogram and upgrade your perception of reality and tune your biochemistry to the rhythms of nature, so it takes just “one breath” to get into a state of harmony and balance, to clear the mind and relax the body, to reset and to be ready to go forward.
As A Daily Practice
One Breath can be practiced also as a single occurrence. Although as any other practice as yoga, pilates or any sport, it in the practice when the skills and dexterity are been improved.
The Mind Rewiring
It is a mental journey of new connections and letting go of belief systems in order to achieve “One Breath”. We focus in connection rather that knowledge, we do meaningful things instead to fill our mind with information, we like to enjoy the process not to push through it , we prefer to flow instead try to take shortcuts, we delight with an orange and skip thinking on vitamin C, we know that we are spiritual and not trying to be spiritual and we are one with nature and say goodbye to the illusion of separation.
A Beautiful Journey of Self-Discovery
In order to achieve “One Breath” we reach to the point to dissolve the ego and clarify our essence to the is no obstruction to fully embrace this ability. One Breath can be achieved by anyone, and it is only the resilience to let go of certain habits of thought that could delate the flow of this ability.
Groups, Businesses and Co-workers
I work with individually and with groups, to dissolve the mental barriers and stocked energy to get in the flow, turned on and tapped in into this loving occurrence. Ideal for businesses that aims to improve communication in the work place and having a pleasant environment.
Therapy does not work?
Through a consistent state of connection, sweetly embracing the best parts that this time space continuum we call “Earth” has to offer. To be able to reach to the point, where only takes “one breath” to be in a state of tuned frequency, within yourself and reality, it does not have to take years of therapy or tedious practices and restrictions, or prescription drugs, if you have reached to this page, you know better, but instead, connection as its best.
The Benefits
Stress management
Better relationships
Immunological system strength
A balance with the relationship with the self
Attunement with nature
Flow state regularity
Mental balance and harmony
How to Learn One Breath Process
Through my guidance, Perkunas to your service