Sarcastically raw truth :) That is the way it is for most of humanity, although you can set the bases for older life that does not sucks now… as it is easier to learn a language when we are younger. A language of harmony and balance can regenerate, energize and rejuvenate you from the core, over and over. Let me teach you how to learn that language.
Applied to Rejuvenation & Cellular Regeneration
Vitality or rejuvenation is a side effect of easing the waves of frequencies we pulse and we are in synch with our essence. I call it ‘vibrational alignment’ or tuning or getting into a stream of flow, consistently enough to change our habits of thought that will reflect in our physiology, cellular structure, stamina and the reality we perceive and create.
First is the awakening of the sense of connection within yourself and this environment, this nature, this land, this planet or how ever you want to call it, this universe, spirit, good, life force, energy…
Second the sense of connection is reinforced, it becomes recurring frequencies we connect with, that match us, more aware of the signals that come to us each second of this existence, we press attention more often to our emotions, we get into the rhythm of this universe as all species in this planet do, the connection becomes a knowing and that sense of completion transform us at the cellular level.
Third we effortlessly flow, we are activated, we are into regeneration mode, we consistently clean and update our energetically input and output, our habits changes, our mind clears and our perspective broadens.
Continuously, the harmonious energy you acquired exteriorize into your physical being and the perception you have about who you really shapes into clarity, you are ease and the tension carried for many years eases, you vitalize and rejuvenate.
You don’t have to live half of your life time feeling old, physically weak and fearful thinking that the end is coming. You can live vibrantly until the time comes to transition into a new version of yourself, naturally and intentionally, your older days don’t have to be a struggle or feeling decay of your physical and mental abilities.
In modern society, most of us, live separated from the elements, a life of confront in a city that not represent a life of connection and vibrancy, and it reflect in the way we age, we decay quickly and every year becomes heavier and heavier. It is the same that a plant that has poor light, water and is not grounded, does not grow to strong, soon gets invaded but bacteria or insects because the unbalance, and eventually, sooner that expected, becomes part of the stream of energy and it distribute to reorganize and give more life again. I mean it transition, die.
Furthermore, we live a life, separated from “the gift”, as highly advance, more that any other creature in this planet we are, paradoxically, the gift that defines us and creates the reality that we face everyday, the gift of our “imagination” is dimmed by our apathy to use it.
We can
Just imagine
Learning designed mental approaches to vibrate at a frequency that resonates with youth and vibrant living is no a mystery, is nothing secretly, you can see it expressing itself in the natural patters of nature, in the elements and the marvelous creations we see everyday, to get to see them and flow with them… only takes practice. You will be amazed how fast energy levels and stamina increases in days and with a few years, new cellulars structure reshape your entire body.
The mind is the most powerful tool you have, I simply teach ways to use it, to improve your current state of alignment. Vibrational Alignment.
I am young, therefore I don’t care
Important to notice. Don’t make the mistake to think you don’t need that energy to be aligned and transcend into a better version of yourself, even to rejuvenate and aligns because you are mid-aged or a teenager. The beliefs and habits that run your life and will condition you to premature aging have been there since childhood. Don’t wait, preventative action is the best medicine.
The older the better
It is amazing to get old! It's fabulous to have all the benefits that long life can gives us, like knowing ourselves, the wisdom that comes with experience, being confident and having a more tuned intuition. And contrary to popular belief, the phase from the mid-age to the end of your life time cycle, should not be of decay but instead, be the best years you ever had.
How the vibrational alignment service works
First assessment. We will go through all the aspects or your human existence and write a “first DRAFT” of a PROTOCOl, that will serve us as guidance for the weeks to come ahead of us.
My job as a catalyst, is to reflect naturally in you, your own powerful inner energy and stamina and consistently stimulate a stream of positive and uplifting thought process. And it is a joy for me, a sweet and energizing moment, to see people transitioning into a new version of themselves.
My duty is to keep a state of being that serves as a platform that allows feelings or relief, igniting the spark of your own cellular regeneration through connectivity exercises that will override the limited and detrimental beliefs that causes the mind to be in stagnation or the body to decay.
With the vibrational alignment service that I offer, you have the chance to become your own platform, for your new state of perception to take place in what you call reality. Feel inspired, vitalized and rejuvenated until it feels natural, at ease, walk the path of life in vibrancy and youthfulness. It is your right as a human being. And pass it on! Spread the word with your friends, shine your vitality and see how you can overcome basically anything.
In not specific hierarchy order. This is a list of the methodologies that Perkunas could use, it will be tailored to your specific profile and needs.
Unique customized experience for each person
Energy flows. Learn to synch with and have more awareness of your energy body.
Static Meditation. Have control of you emotions in seconds.
Breathing Techniques. Learn the art of breathing, it was never difficult to learn this.
Mind reengineering. Learn to defragment your thought process
Body revitalization techniques. Simply, practical and effective.
Thought awareness. Become a master of the energies that you generate.
Dance flows. Embrace your body awareness though movement and connection.
Nature Strength. Rediscover your connection with nature and the elements.
Energy Spirals. Learn how the energy of your body fluctuates and how to make the best of that energy.
Diet. Nutrition and intuitive cooking.
Stress release techniques. Healthy stress?
From circles to spirals. Learn to overcome limited believes.
Physical training. Might include, yoga, Thai chi, Qigong, Reiki, Flows, conditioning, dance, swimming.
Therapeutic moments. Have a time where you is only you. Learn about gardening, handcraft, cooking, tree hugging, bare foot walking or we will engage into your favorite sport of hang out time… wine or beer tasting can be including.
The art of not taking seriously. Chillax, it is a day at the time.
Organic Imagination. Learn to to generate intuitive and effortless visualizations with intention
Feedback. Life time consultation with Perkunas
Rejuvenation service can be applyed as my ROYAL WELLNESS or through my EXPERIENCES
Prices fluctuate but recommend a minimum of 3 full weeks full incursion to generated permanent changes in life
We can work online and partially n person an online
Hourly $130 US in person or online, in person plus transportation.
3 weeks immersion $12,000
Book a 3 Week
Distant Rejuvenation Services
You probably have heard about distant healing, although i don’t resonate with the word “heal” since i'm not a healer, you heal yourself, I am just a part of your creation, a energy that adds to the desire you have been asking for. But yes, rebirth or rejuvenation guidance services can be done in person or by distance, either you are the other side of the world, the moon, Jupiter or other galaxies.
Do you like the vibe we pulse?
And want to se more of it in this world?
If you feel abundantly generous
Donations or Gifts are accepted and much appreciated
We invest all our donations in the greenery of life, creating gardens, community gardens and sustainable paradises