The Sanctuary Earth Project
The Sanctuary Earth Project is about bringing natures abundance and vibrancy back to the cities, collecting endemic plants and seeds, mostly edible plant for each region and converted into community gardens, rooftop gardens or wall gardens. In co-creation with with local community, businesses and artist that have the believe that Earth is abundant, and we can live a life of plenty, we can literally convert, in just one season! One small city into a self-sustain economically abundant place!
By simply sharing the mentality of co-creation with mother nature, we not only can bring abundance of plants, more flowers, insects, birds and all sort animal species, we also improve the quality of the air, our water and improve mental health enough to break from the cycle of greed, separation and scarcity, opposite from our birth righ of living in community united, with kindness and abundantly.
The Plan
Each garden created from a dozen people gathering into a thousands of people festivals. We will collide arts, music, food and technology perfectly embedded into sustainability.
We need your support. I will start this project now, collecting seeds and connecting, to every place I go, with the local farmers, communities or nature advocates that have already the initiative in growing their on foods and the artist and innovators that will love to fusion their skills into this project.
Please Donate to Make the Magik Happen and send your email to keep you updated with the schedule of garden/festival activities around the planet. Lets make this to spread like wildfire.