Self-Love Awakening
We live in a humanity that trends to separate us more and more.
It is common now these days to find out how society creates more and more ways to keep us isolated.
Capitalism or religion or imposed social trends and all the socialization systems in place around the world seems that were formulated for a master mind that knew exactly how to control human behavior, keep us in a place together, but separated, thinking that we are free, but incarcerated in the prison our own belief systems and limitations.
“Breaking FREE means to tune into the essence of who you really are and live a life doing anything that relates to your souls purpose”
What you think is the common way of living, contradicts the natural order, what you consider as normal and you rarely think about and never even consider to change, is the reflection of you current state of presence, it relates to your dysfunctional perception about yourself, your self-appreciation, the masqueraded but in you, absolute knowing of your worth and value, and indeed, also the sexual desire or dysfunctions that surface out if disconnection with your source.
Even new sexual trends and even or vocabulary has changed, trying to diversify our sexual preferences while dividing our connectivity with each other.
For many, when looking from analytical perspective, it seems like a dystopia post-apocalyptical era, where the idea of a united humanity has vanished under the influences of greed, spreading confusion among humans, it is the slavery of the mind reaching to subconscious levels that most people can’t even imagine and be aware of.
What Perkūnas is talking about? You might said… well, to mention a few…
Away from self-control and relationship with nature we use systems that have been impose to regulate the way we live. In the society that we live now, “freedom” is just an illusion, we follow laws, rules, dysfunctional trends, our cellphone health is more important that our family members health. Country’s borders are like a control gate between prison spaces next to each other, the idea of one humanity, has no space in the mind of most humans, there is always something that people leans to separate themselves from each other, and is no coincidence, it could be their religion, language, customs, sports…wonder why the olympics and world cup is for…do you think to unite people… contrarily the opposite…to keep the idea that been separated is normal, competition instead collaboration.
We are governed by the worst of society human standards with zero levels of honor, kindness, humbleness and self-appreciation.
If you look to the list of country presidents around the world or the largest corporations CEOS, you’ll astonishing majority of narcissist, racist, that over used power and had clearly noticeable sexual distortion and/or dysfunction going on.
Loving and Coherent Human
Real freedom of the mind of an expressing and creative soul, is what generates a self- loving functional human that can love others as much as itself and all that comes to his perception. A loving human does not need system of control, is tuned with harmony, balance and kindness.
Society does not expect a loving, self-reliant and coherent with nature functional human. Since the moment we are born, civilization socialization process put us in a box, limited to the rules and parameters imposed to be just a human easy to manage an utilize. That is why educational systems in place have square rooms, not fields of study; that is why science goes a far as what happens in a lab, not attuned with the vast wisdom and frequencies of natures, that is why now these days we live our live looking at a rectangular screen, dissociated from what reality is, which is a planet of ABSOLUTE ABUNDANCE, we relate to the borders and limitations of economy and social status.
How do you think that affects our relationship with others and with ourselves in all levels? We live in a dysfunctional human society and the most civilized ones “LARGER CITIES” have the worst of it. You wont find underground sex parties or sexual slavery on small towns, only in the big cities, not because there is more demand. It is because mental pollution and self appreciation degradation decreases when a human is expose to nature more that the systems of control. Smaller town trend to have more wild nature than big cities. As simple as that.
Religion and Pseudo-Spiritualism.
What we currently believe about from our self- stem and self-love is just an illusion, we have no grounded place to see ourselves from a perspective of connection, rather disconnection from our natural human loving self, we barely function from intuitive primal behavior, reaching our heights, temporarily, with the love to your child but rarely to your partner, true love is almost none existent in this reality. Religion induce hate and fear and pseudo-spiritualism induce confusion, people believe is the normal and live clueless even about what is happening to them, reflecting as a result in toxic to non existence natural sexual desires.
Capitalism & Cities.
Capitalism aims for a society that lives in fear and insecure on their own existence, away from a healthy and natural human behavior, where instead collaborating with each other we compete with each other as most educational systems cultivate our children.
Large cities are the perfect environment, to create services and products meant to fulfill, with no substance or real purpose, the empty gap left by the states of misconnection and none self-reliance that each human in a society of consumption experience. Due to the lack of nature and the simple and most natural act as growing your own foods or harvesting from natures abundance. Indeed, that will reflect your performance and self-appreciation for the own self and others.
Money has no real value, humans are been displaced from the land and country side where is more healthier for a self-loving environment, more and more to cumulous of controlled cities that pollute and disassociate people from each other rather that makes them function as a unity. Living a life believing that money related to success and happiness, never to reach real connection with the self, wheree real love is just a fantasy created by Hollywood standards.
Been born in a poor or wealthy environment does not difference a healthy self loving relationship. Been attached to money as the higher standard of living, does relates though to extremes of the sexual dystopia of humanity, aiming “to get” in life rather than “to be” . For most “economically wealthy” humans in society, the sexual and self-appreciation panorama panorama is short handed as their vision for life. In one hand, abusing of sex for quick short term satisfactions or having not sex at all for inner physical bodily dysfunctions, in both cases, a healthy loving relationship in their lives are nonexistent for a huge lack of self awareness and connection with their source.
And it is not difficult to figure this out, imagine someone that live their life for achieving wealth and money, the understanding or that real abundance is shallow. Real abundance is our birth right, it is expressive in all the lands of this planet, has a giving power that could provide abundantly food and shelter to every single human being and catapult technology to uncharted levels when connecting with its wisdom.
But how to achieve that level of awareness and wisdom when focused on greedy and selfish desires? The disconnection with that abundance and fertile power of nature, reflect in our own connection and abundance of desire to thrive organically and in a sustainable way. As nature does, nature generates life, and a healthy human provides life as well, and it does totally related to our sexual health.
Most humanity live between the parameters that have been imposed to them. The essence of separation and fear runs deeply into the subconscious of every mind, pulsing more and more of the same dystopic post-apocalyptic creations, the opposite from unity and harmony that nature pulses. Rarely you find a human that know its essence, that knows reality, that know its purpose in life and real value, and all relates to the self-love that this person have for itself and for others. Knowing yourself, means knowing the richness that intel true connection with the perception of this reality integrated with nature and this universe, nothing difficult to realize when perceiving from a broader and clearer perspective.
To mention and few more
The days of the week, roads, cities, a ssn, borders between countries, lines and square structures, music, news, internet, diets, packaged products, the squareness of houses, classrooms, jails, cities, street blocks ….your cellphone screen and your laptop….endless. and all the un-natural human behaviors that are born out of our disconnection with nature and consequently influencing your self-love and appreciation for life and all that exist, your sexual desire and all the biochemistry of your human apparatus.
How I see it
An opportunity, among the chaos, to get closer to our essence, to change and be a better version of ourselves, to find those missing connection and makes us one a whole again…if at less a few of us would…magic.
Practice the art of connection
Through connectivity exercises, during at less, for three consecutive weeks, can help you to integrate a new perspective into your reality, to rediscover a world of harmony and balance that is your natural birth right, rediscover a healthier self-appreciation and sexuality, where you live knowing yourself and keep creating creative solutions and ways to find self-appreciation and true connection with others and your purpose and essence of life.
Self-Love Awakening is another of my wellness services and it is the antithesis for:
Sexual Dysfunction
Hormonal Imbalance
Mental Health
Neurological Disorders
Inhibited sexual desire
Sexual aversion disorder
The list if endless
Find out where you at and how to flow into a more self-loving version of yourself
Details on the description. Always happy to jump on a call and help to clarify.
You know you fall into good hand and want to be consistent on your vibrational output. Book me for a year before a reach my limit of clients.
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Explore the world as your explorer the unlimited possibilities of your own existence, join one of my experiences or let me curate one for you. Simply majestic.