Spaceless Happiness


As a kid


I’ll spend a lot of my time on a tree

he was a dear friend

I will climb on it and gaze the world from its heights

the sunlight will filter through the leaves and hit my eyes

feeding my soul and warming up my heart

this was my place to ignite my imagination

to be grounded and connected to the deepest of who I was

on the tree

I remember who I was

I found connection

I found many times comfort and peace too

when everything around was chaos, the tree will offer a space for retreat of harmony

I will talk to the insects, the birds, the leaves and branches

I will hang, jump, hide and explore


when flowers blossom, the butterflies and bees will give show

with their dancing moves and gentle sounds, they create vortexes

that will turn into massive energy waves

spiral waves that send signals to the universe

I wondered always, who was catching and surfing those waves

now I know these little creatures, misunderstood and misappreciated

have great importance in life as it is

balancers of the energy on this planet

the yin yang among pure beauty and human flaws

the tree was my place for spaceless happiness

with years the tree was growing big

its roots were breaking the sidewalk and getting closer to the water pipes

they had to cut it down

I felt sad, angry, hopeless


but the tree told me there was no reason to be sad

its essence was transforming in everything literally, even me

I felt it

I helpped to cut it down, with no remorse, a ceremonial ease

looking at the spirals of colorful energies impregnating all that was

in multidimensional levels

it was my first glimpse to know one simple truth

there is no death

just life and more life

later with the years, even now, I am remembering it

and recognizing another truth

nothing was born to be controlled


we like it or not, is not our job to judge neither to fight it

all has a reason to be

our imagination is powerful

we can create paradises or infernos

it was always our free will  

to choose either way

the trees give shades to refresh us from the sunny days

even though we were born to shine

we moreover try to shine under the shadows

we shine the most under the sun

our light does not fade with the sun

it enhances

