Aha Explorer Mission & Purpose

Enough for me the mystery of the eternity of life and the inkling of the marvelous structure of reality together with the single-hearted endeavor to comprehend a portion, be it never so tiny of the reason that manifests itself in nature - Albert Einstein


Why growing your own foods, creating garden edible sanctuaries are vital for humanity survival?

Hello friends, Perkunas here!

Lets state the obvious first that is ignored by human society, and it does not matter if you have no education or a few PHDs, if you are rich or poor, the color of your skin, sex or where you come from, all humanity is affected by it!

DISCONNECTION FROM OUR NATURAL WORLD is what generates lack of common sense, greed, wars, poverty, pollution and the accelerated annihilation of natural habitats which IS INTRINSICALLY RELATED TO THE HUMAN DISCORD, NOT BEEN ABLE TO LIVE IN HARMONY WITH NATURE.

Not acknowledging that we live in an intelligent planet and living being, is as thinking that we don’t care how important is that we have oxygen to breath.

But CONNECTING with nature is not only vital and healthy for humanity… most human haven’t experience how AMAZING! Organic happiness and sustainable EXCITEMENT you can get when co-creating with NATURES RHYTHMS.

When you grow a garden, you simply complete the missing cycle, of being grounded and present enough to be exposed to the harmony and balance that nature pulses. Growing a garden is the best therapy you could ever have, to be mentally and physically healthy and joyful!

Being part of a society, that actually generate more greenery than the destruction of it, that generated more life force and vitality to the planet, instead only taking from it and pollute it make sense and equals the amount of balance and harmony and mental clarity you can get!!
— Perkunas



ARE YOU READY TO BE…Organically happy!

For those who resonate with this message, you remember that nature has been a sanctuary for your soul and imagination. If you know me, I am all about NATURE, MUSIC , ARTS, SUSTAINABLE TECHNOLOGY, ORGANIC HAPPINESS and COMMUNITY and enjoying the sweetness life has to offer! Because life is undoubtedly sweet and delicious, and you have tasted it already!! I know you have :)

Growing Seeds with Intention

The Sanctuary Earth Project is about bringing nature’s abundance and vibrancy back to the cities. In co-creation with local community, businesses and artists that have the belief that Earth is abundant, and we can live a life of plenty, we can literally convert, in just one season! One small city into a self-sustaining economically abundant place!

By simply sharing the mentality of co-creation with mother nature, we not only can bring abundance of plants, more flowers, insects, birds and all sorts of animal species, we also improve the quality of the air and water, and improve mental health enough to break from the cycle of greed, separation and scarcity! Choosing the opposite, which is our BIRTHRIGHT, as living in community, with unity, kindness and an abundance of joy.

Plan and Action

One garden at the time, one tiny town at the time, created from a dozen people gathering into a thousands of person festivals. We will collide arts, music, food and technology perfectly embedded into sustainability, co-creating more greenery… and for the fun of it!!

Collecting endemic plants and seeds, mostly edible plants for each region and converted into community gardens, rooftop gardens or wall gardens. Supported by community orientation/education, become a garden guardian angel is a high status, a garden is where the universal knowledge if brought back to us in unlimited vibrational patterns and frequencies, we juts need to re-learn to tap into it.

Create compost and recycling facilities, sustainable energy, wastewater natural treatments, regenerative agriculture in the middle of towns. Sort of like addressing the problem from its source.

Please Donate to Make the Magik Happen

We need your support. I will start this project now, collecting seeds and connecting to every place I go, with the local farmers, communities or nature advocates that have already taken the initiative in growing their own foods and the artists and innovators that will love to fuse their skills into this project.

Please donate! We keep you updated with the schedule of garden/festival activities around the planet. Let’s make this spread like wildfire!!

Please contact me if you want to be part of our garden/music/art/gastronomy/magik endeavors , either with donations, hiring my services or sharing your passions and gifts.


Hire perkunas services or donate - Pro sanctuary earth project

When in “the zone” as when connected with source, nature, the environment

The idea of Sanctuary Earth has been cooking in my mind for decades already. Since I was a kid, I have been so avid on spending lots of time in nature, escaping the city to be in paradises around the block, little meadows or river beds. Then when you grow up, responsibilities and “education” takes you away from nature’s wisdom but luckily enough, you are stubborn enough to bring back the magik.

The idea of creating gardens or sanctuaries took more shape since I created a homestead in San Diego “The Vibe House” back in 2012 to 2018, it was a space that had beautiful combination of music, sustainability, gastronomy and people just being humans, connected within themselves, connecting with the environment. At the Vibe House, an international community was born that worked in the garden, connected with the wild spaces at the beach and the mountains, simmering with nature’s vibrancy all the time. We also had culinary alchemy going, each breakfast, lunch and dinner was a feast for our souls, endless combinations of delectable potions, healing containers of flavor, embedded with powerful harmonious thoughts and vibes. And the crew, wow, I was so fortunate. I haven’t lost that attraction towards amazing humans, it was a mix of nature, music, healing art and science lovers.

Creating Paradise

We created a really cool vortex that anyone that would walk into our place would feel, and heal from it, or could find inspiration or countless self-realizations. Minds in the right place together can create wonders.

We created paradise really, waves of goodness coming out of it. Funny thing, the concept is so obviously simple, that is why it is so genius and revolutionary but at the same time an easy breeze, a flow of goodness, now you and any of your friends are invited to join in!

Connection for a Healthier Humanity

The essence of Sanctuary Earth is CONNECTION, connecting with the essence of who we are as humans, using the already harmonious and balancing frequencies of nature to get attuned with a broader and more expanded version of us. Our spirit is always there, yearning for us to express our real essence and inner power. But we are just too distracted by the other reality, where we are socialized and put into a format. I don’t wanna get into that rabbit hole explaining humanities’ dark aspects, but you are here now, and you want CHANGE, so here it is!

The Flow of Unity

Sanctuary Earth is a project that combines the creation of gardens and/or community gardens around the world or anything that promotes nature connection and co-creation with nature, with artistic happenings, like music performances, live music or dj sets, like going to Burning Man and working together and generating this beautiful energy of co-creation, but this time, we create GREEN things are meant to last and spread, that will feed and benefit humanity.

INTEGRATING this beautiful green energy into the heart of the cities, because cancer is just a symptom as pollution, trash and greed, we don’t need to fight it! We simply NEUTRALIZE IT by generating more greenery, clean oxygen and UNITY.

A Meaningful Reality

Sanctuary Earth is Aha Explorer Project, which evoke into this media by me, Perkunas, but is not about one human having an idea, this is the collection of many desires, I heard it from friends all the time, their spirit craving pure connection within themselves, nature and other humans, by co-creating a more meaningful and intentional reality.

So you can donate, participate or hire my services Aha Explorer Experiences or as a life coach, chef, restaurant consultant or media creator. I am not asking anything for free, you just know what are my intentions and where my energy is going ultimately.


If you simply donate I offer full transparency and a monthly report of expenses and you will be invited to all happenings, also to those friends that hire my services, all are invited to our garden or small festivals or experiences. You can’t miss the magik on the making! Come home!


The ideal set up is that you participate and get the juice of life that comes out of this happenings. Doing things as a community used to be a common practice, now we separated and our mind only give attention to temporary and non-sustainable entertainment. Get off the little rectangle in front of you, let it go out of your had and put your hands into the soil. Magik will happen. Let’s imagine clean oceans, robust forests, highly vibrant food coming from a garden to your table makes you happy, dancing under the stars and being around people that care for each other, let your heart shine! Let’s do it! :)

Welcome home, we are waiting for you, with love and appreciation. Perkunas.

Donate to create Sanctuaries around the world


Join a community of humans that loves creating in harmony with the intelligence and flow of Earth’s wisdom, uniting nature’s vibrancies and technology but in a sustainable approach.

I you looking for a project to participate with, that is fulfilling and organically sustainable for your soul and the environment. Sanctuary Earth Project is all about it.

Imagine to be part of a project that involves the co-creation of gardens, edible jungles, bringing the forest back to the cities with flawless design and sustainable as nature intended, while indulging with world class artist that generate enticing music, dance all day long, sustain your body healing and delectable foods made from the garden by soul pampering chefs, dance and flow with embodiment magicians, amazing beautiful humans, a million hugs and a tone of inspired energy for self realization and embedded the abundance therapeutic life force of this paradises on Earth, we want to make that beauty accessible for everyone!

Earth is a paradise, investing our time and resources in a project like this is wholesome happiness at abundance its best. Invest in a design that embedded harmony and a futuristic approach.

My Story

As nature child, I grew up feeling in awe for the marvels I found in my grandmas garden, not too different from the ongoing amazement I felt on my teen years and when becoming a man. It was always nature, that unstoppable dance of wisdom and beauty I could reach out to keep myself in balance, to remember why I was born for, my purpose, and here and I am now, pitching, for you to donate or invest IN YOU, yet more important than asking for money, but for your attention and desire.

Since 2012 I create the Vibe House, in San Diego CA, a community living type space that attracted such amazing humans. I got my first taste of art/nature/flow/indulging life style. We worked in the garden, harvest it, celebrate life, there is so much inspiration that is generated when living in harmony and feeling happy!!

A Taste of Unity

Unity has unmeasurable value. A coherent and unselfish flow of actions to transform Earth into a sanctuary, while been in a state of harmony and balance and wisely can choose variety of elements to create also, more fulfilled life.

Because you are nature, and that is a fact, no denial, you are this planet, literally, we are never separated from it, we are part of the whole of it, you can’t survive without it, each breath you take is a confirmation of that union.

On the eyes of what gave us the gift of life, there is not distinction, no borders, not razes, no religions, no species, we all energy in synergy with the planet’s vibration and each action we take transform the land, transform our environment, and set the time frame in were humanity either thrives of suffer while we still here.

Unity, when focus oriented and fed with an abundance of love and passion, is a magnetic force that amplifies exponentially and nothing can contain it, as you can see nature thriving, and it is because the coherence force of all its elements

We certainly can’t predict how long this humanity will have on the surface of our mother Earth, as things are going, with the rapid acceleration of loosing of bio diversity, that goes on hand the increasing of pollution, overpopulation and greed.

I have a simple proposal, to invest in YOU, to be organically happy and abundant as it can be.

If from this moment on, each single human dedicate one hour a day to stop polluting, stop depleting the forests, the jungles, stop killing ocean... and how you do that? by practicing been self-reliant, by stop consuming, simply first, by creating your own food, cooperating in the creation or expansion of a garden, community garden or sustainable project, bring back nature to the cities, roof top gardens, wall gardens, make food free for everyone.

 That simple act, like growing a garden will stop the destruction of millions of acres of land where nature, produces the oxygen and the biodiversity that we need to survive.

 It is paradoxical, quite nonsense to ask you to invest in your own survival right?

Unfortunately we have reach the point where most of us, humans, do not recognize our own blindness. For example, we never consider how catastrophic that is gas consumption, we drive our car each day and we even consider it, that it generated wars, pollution, make few of us very richer and other super poor, generated slavery, shorten our live; the list is large, you might say you know this right? but what you do about it?

Medicine, health care, crazy at it sounds, we rather use unknown chemicals and drugs in our body to feel better and not to actually heal the root of any problem, that is what modern medicine is now these days.

For example, you ask most doctors, and it is rare the case that one doctor knows any type of breath work, or understand about proper hydration, or knows how just swimming in natural bodies of water like the ocean or a lake, or river, all together literally can heal you from 80% of illnesses currently treating in any hospital.

Basically connection with nature will heal you, will heal your mind, you start vibrating as nature’s rhythm does, observe and feel, grow a garden, walk bare foot in the forest, nature is always pulsing boundless and progressively abundant energy, simply giving it attention, looking at it, your mind will ease and you’ll be much healthier.

I know, many of you will say, I know all these, but as hard as it sounds, you have done nothing to change that, recognize that simple irony, since you were a child, you have been conditioned to have a separation from your natural environment,  you still drive your car, you still take the drugs, you watch over your cellphone more that your daughter or son, you don’t grow a garden, you are not self-reliant, you don’t try to be, you think that generating money is your path towards success.

It is time, to be finally responsible for our actions, we have created this crisis, let’s not blame a few for our self-brain washing our mind while watching tv and believing in politicians. You don’t need a government to tell you how you can thrive, neither and how to be happy, is not utopia that only happens at burning man, on any forgotten paradise, Earth is paradise sanctuary, let’s use it as it was meant to be from the beginning, for humans and start growing a garden of love.  

Money donated to this account will be use to bring back nature and wilderness back to the cities, around the world, through the creation of compost and recycling facilities, community gardens, wilderness corridors, bee hives, education programs about sustainability, arts and healing arts using natures radiancy. If you want to donate for our team is highly appreciated or start bringing nature back to the cities by growing your own garden share that energy with your love ones.  

Donate to Co-create paradises around the world

Earth is a Sanctuary

The purpose of this page is to gather and join energies with individuals or organizations to transform Earth into what it is… a Sanctuary.

A simple task is to create community gardens around the world, help to preserve wilderness and bring more forest or jungle back into the cities. Earth, could become what is meant to be, a sanctuary for all living forms.

The Importance of a Garden

One of the simplest ways to find happiness in our human society, is that we all human beings dedicated part or our lives to grow our own foods… After all, eating is something we do every day, how radical or bad could be the idea to dedicate part of your everyday life to create a greenery space, a home paradise, to take action to create your own sanctuary.

Benefits of growing your own foods


Nature’s natural flow resonates with expansion, variety, bountifulness and as the universe itself, it has limitless abundant of resources. Once you tap into the frequencies of nature, like a garden, you simply broader your perspective to a steady flow of inherently beautiful and harmonious state. There is no needs, only desidres to be fullfilled in a timeless frame of space reality.

It is healthier

Once you eat things that you grow yourself, is like catching a waves for the first time, the sensation of pureness and freshness, squeezing juicy flavors and sensation ignites a different biochemistry in you, far beyond that just sitting in a table and eating. Been part of the whole process, from a seed the germinates to the assimilation of nutrients, seen the vortexing development of life, in each leaf, flower and fruit, is such a complex and exquisite dance of wisdom and beauty, to presence it, is such a gift, nevertheless, never too late to see life from a perspective that resembles the creation of the universe itslef. As it breath we take, each flower the blossoms and each plant in the garden we give our attention and focus, the poetry and science of growing your own foods go far beyond you would ever imagine.

You get to do some exercise

You can compare, the energy that flows in you when doing yoga, thai chi, qigong or reiki when doing your daily activities in a garden, even so, much healthier that that, doing something that actually has a tangible meaning, it is much meaningful for your mind and soul. There is a sense of accomplishment that is born in your after your daily work out, add the fact the after you plant a tree you will see it blossom and give fruits … you can compare which one will gibe you more vitality in the energetic levels.

Breath better quality air as you sense the value of been a human

The bi product from each leaf, herbs, weed or steam that spiral into life in the garden, is fresh air that gives you the gift of life. It is a marvelous natural process, plants use what we breath out, a natural cycle aim to propagate life. A wholesome and sustainable feeling of accomplishment arouses when working in the land, and are breathing and feeding from the energy you also helped to create, you aimed as well to cycle of life, you are not just a passive spectator on Earths journey, you are accomplishing a purpose and it humbles the heart and refreshes the mind.

For your own survival

Stop world hunger, global warming, rain forest and wilderness to disappear which relates to you been able to breath and eat in a very close future. Growing all year long a green garden promotes the soil to storage naturally carbon, which cleans the environment and promotes heathy micro, which feeds plans and ourselves. Yes, growing gardens goes on hand with healthier agriculture that stops desertification and human annihilation. How difficult is to realize? You don’t need to be a scientist or a botanist, by simple observation, you can see that every environment where there is diversity of flora and fauna it thrives, it is simple the opposite of most cities and agricultural spaces around the world.

Fresh produce is better for our body

Our body is a reflection of the thoughts and emotions that we have and the food we choose to consume goes align the vibrational stage we are in.

In other words, the food choices we make are a reflection of the way we feel, so is the people we hang out. If we respect and love ourselves, we treat ourselves better and we’ll appreciate and care for the environment we live in.

There is a lot to say how to say about vegetables and all food that your grow yourself, how highly beneficial are for us, I will have a whole chapter about this important topic, although maybe just for now, having this reflection…

Everything we care for, we give our attention and love, grows colorful and resilient to live longer and happier, is a simple universal law, is the way you feel is what matters the most, embrace the colorfulness and variety that natures has to offer, even in your plate, since you privilege enough to have food to have, remember that millions of fellow humans can’t have that choice.

Your mind is healthier while expose to lively colors

It is no coincidence to refer to someone as “gray” as depress or unhappy and been “colorful” to someone lively, bubbly and cherishing life.

It is a fact that if you mostly eat microwaved food you soon looking like a pale and fading sort of a human and you more likely to die of a heart attack by your 40s, if you reach that far, but hey, at less you had the ride to experience life on Earth. You might have not expect to read this here, supposedly all should be magnificence of eating colorful food and how good you feel, but, as the matter of fact, even microwaved food has a reason to be, humans dying prematurely has a purpose.

Me in the garden :)

In the whole spectrum of creation there are no mistakes, this blip of reality in this time space continuum we call humanity, which more resembles a virus, a civilization that consumes it hows til self annihilation, it has a purpose and a reason to be. Apologize that this seems out of context, getting too philosophical indeed, but isn’t colors including all of them? Harmony and chaos dance all a long in the creation of each galaxy as in the sprout of each seed in a garden, a darker soil usually represents a rich nourishing one where lively colors come to life into each leaf and flower, so maybe does dark wholes in space, sucking all in, maybe to create more life, new dimensions.

Finish by saying, eat colorfulness, like the food you put in your plate as the thoughts you evoke and the experiences you live. Earth’s sanctuary has all the rainbow of expression and flavors and its consumption is rewardingly healthy.

Your imagination is nourish by natural shapes and frequencies

What the Mayas, Egyptians or Incas and other ancient civilizations discovered thousands of years ago, by been connecting with nature’s frequencies for a long period of time, while using their rational mind, even human’s mind capacity hasn’t change at all since then, the knowledge of the stars and the universe at the macro molecular level, the beautiful resonance with geometrical principals and the way how all matter is form exist in organic natural forms and we are able to tap into that stream of intelligence.

And nope, is not because the meditated or found mushrooms or psychoactive elements on “plant medicines” as some believe.

Our mind, contrary to popular and scientific belief, does not mainly serve to storage information, it is obvious, by simple observation, it work more like transmitter, translating, receiving and pulsing frequencies.

That which you recognize by beauty in nature, is not just for entertainment, it carries information, frequencies, waves and precise coding that talks about all the aspects that form this time space reality, time is no linear, space is multidimensional, seeing or perceiving natures limitless broadness and connecting with it, allow us to se ourselves clearly and deeply of who we are, why we are here and where are we heading individually and as specie.

How giving my attention to the shapes and colors of a mango or a flower or pea growing in the garden can help me to know myself better? How looking and basking on a sunrise of sunset can help me release stress and be happier ? How nature can help me to see the magnitude of expansion of simplicity of the light being I am, traveling to space around this galaxy? Why are I am here?

How the fabrics of reality interlace to create my present time? How I can influence and change that by will?

The answer is that, we won’t ever figure this out completely, at less in human form, we can see it, feel it, go with it, change our habits but is not our purpose to do what nature does. We can catch a wave and surf it and flow and enjoy the thrill of life, just realize and enjoy the fact, that we are part of the limitless intelligence, and our imagination nourish on the shapes on the sounds that nature does, the music, the all variety which, as you see, we are adding on it, by creating our reality.

It is easier to find your purpose of life when been in natural environment

Simply because more harmonious places will evoke harmonious energies in you.

It is mathematics and physics, when you add more vibrancy to your life, it simply adds to the whole all you. Been surrounded by the greenery of nature, is like someone giving you a loving hug, like pampering yourself with self appreciation. Furthermore, when you participate in the creation of that greenery, your essence, your energetic frequencies and DNA, gets imprinted in that vortex of new leafs coming, seeds sprouting, flowers blossoming, the water, wind, light and ground dancing together into new life, into more beauty. Growing a garden is actually sacred activity, personally, I think is one of the most spiritual an aligning things you could do.

A natural environment, evokes clarity in your mind

When staying in a state of clarity long enough, then you will be doing things that relates to your essence. The questions of who I am? why I am here for? and where I am? now will have a clear perspective.

We all looking for to have a joyful life, there is a reason why natural environment, gardens, beaches, lakes, mountains, rivers, sunsets or sunrises are so appealing beautiful to you. It is not only for your entertainment, is it profound as the most complex spiritual and compelling philosophical practice, it will bring clarity into your life.

My garden in San Diego and mama possum passing by, :)

From my heart you yours, find our where you can grow or who can you join to grow your own foods, participate, be one with nature and connect with it, as with your community, people at gardens always vibrant and welcoming, do yourself a priceless gift.

Donate to creating paradises around the world